Saturday, January 24, 2009

When Skinny Cows Laugh . . .

All right boys and gals -- as my most recent posts have been somewhat 'health and fitness' focused, I thought I'd keep the topic front and center a little longer.

Prior to taking the full plunge toward my best life (thanks Oprah!), I was tracking my eating patterns and food choices. My titan trainer, Meghan, asked me to do this and show her each week. It was a little scary to revisit my snack and meal choices each and everyday. Slowly a few themes started to come to light. First, I'm not a breakfast person. I know. I know. It's the most important meal of the day. Not sure why I never really got into eating breakfast. Maybe it has something to do with my love of sleep. Given the choice between repeated whacks at the snooze button to grab just 15 more minutes of sleep and, well say, a toasted English muffin, I pick the snoozing almost each and every time. I'm more of a skip the breakfast and grab a latte on the way to work kinda gal. Naughty, I know.

A much more diabolical problem, however, lurked in the dark corners of my food journal. It seems I have a cheese obsession. I loves me some fermented and aged dairy. Can't get enough. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing and I've been challenged to curtail my cheese intake. Luckily I've found a great option to help curb my cravings. Laughing Cow light cheese wedges are THE BEST. Creamy, tangy, and cheese-a-riffic. Grab a couple wedges (just 1.5 Weight Watchers points), a few Reduced Fat Triscuits and you've got yourself a tasty and satisfying treat. And, NO, this is not a paid endorsement.

Continuing on the dairy theme, who doesn't need a little ice cream fix every now and then? Although my typical food sabotage tends to come in the form of fried, crunchy and salty badness, I occasionally have a sweet tooth. When these moments strike, I recommend stocking up your freezer with some Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. One sandwich is 2 points and you will be hard pressed to distinguish the Skinny Cow from a full fat ice cream treat. Seriously. They are amazing.

Laughing Cow, Skinny Cow . . . lots of cow brands out there. I will stalk the grocery store aisles to find the next cow related items. Perhaps "giddy cow," "bony cow," "emaciated cow?" What about, "I Don't Want To Look Like a Cow?" Who's going to come out with that one?

And, on a related note, if you haven't visited the web site Hungry Girl, you might want to check it out. Great place to find other 'better for you' foods, the latest buzz on low-fat, light products, recipes, etc. Very informative.

Here's a comprehensive list of Hungry Girl's own favorite foods. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, yesterday we saw this guy buying SmartOnes Egg McMuffin type things. I'm like...WHA?! Since WHEN? So, I'm going to start nuking some of those for breakfast now and again.
