Monday, September 15, 2008

My Color Is Pagoda Blue

In my quest to recreate the Oz household space and infuse a little freshness into our palette and surrounds, I've been getting input and creative inspiration from friends and colleagues alike. Comments have ranged from "why don't you just sell everything and start over" to "all you need is a new tea kettle." I'm looking for something in between -- a happy medium that doesn't require me to burn all of my worldly possessions but also amounts to a noticeable improvement. One of my trusted advisers turned me onto this web site called Apartment Therapy. I've only spent a few moments checking it out, but am already loving it. Lots of cool ideas and tricks to make an old space feel new again.

While I was perusing I spotted a link to Colorstrology. It's a Pantone thing where you select your birthday month and they it spits out what color you are. Apparently I'm Pagoda Blue. "Deep and meditative, this color signifies wisdom, truth and optimism." Hurrah, I say. Hurrah. All the things I strive for in my life all wrapped up in this gorgeous blue, emerald type color. Who would have known this was MY color? It also says that wearing Pagoda Blue can help promote tolerance and understanding. This has been my problem all along. I'm not wearing Pagoda Blue dammit. I must find myself some sweater, shawl, wrap or pair of shoes in this color ASAP.

I'm curious to know what color you are in the Colorstrology my friends. And, once you have identified your color, do you agree with its assessment of you and your characteristics? Let me know. Also, if you have any home decorating tips, I'm all ears. Let me have it.


  1. Very cool. Mine was Sheer Lilac. It is the exact color of my bathroom in our Michigan estate. I'm not sure yet where it will fit in here,but I'm on it!

  2. Your color might apply but I have a sister born in October who should be described as such: Peaceful, Poised, and Balanced. If you know her...that probably isn't on the mark.

    Papa: Fiery, Energetic, Courageous...really?

    Mama: Intense, Passionate,, probably not the words I'd use. seem more like Aug. than Dec.

  3. the color forecaster at the conference said Pagoda Blue is so 2009-2010. You are right on!
