Monday, September 22, 2008

Food For Thought

Today, Mr. Oz sent me this interesting Op/Ed piece from the NY Times. While I enjoy a good burger and an occasional steak, I am also very aware that in pursuing our gastronomy of meat we humans are, well, not extremely humane. What really struck me in this article was the way in which the author describes his experience observing the unique personalities and character of the farm animals he grew up with as a child. His commentary on the familial bonds displayed by geese was particularly touching.

As a child I spent some time on my grandparents farm and saw the cattle, chickens and ducks they raised for food. These animals were always (as far as I could tell) treated well, given lots of space to roam, were fed and sheltered. I guess the life they had, albeit brief, would be considered a good one. A part of me is comforted by this. Now, I think about where my food -- particularly the meat on my plate -- comes from and I cringe. This editorial gave me pause to reflect further on my own humanity and what I choose as my nourishment. I don't profess to be among the converted to a strictly vegetarian diet. Remember, I love a juicy burger! However, I'm going to be more aware of the choices I make and try to do my part to reduce the pain and suffering of soulful creatures. I do believe all life is precious and should be used wisely and with compassion.

I promise to write about more lighthearted topics in the days to come. Seriously. Just wanted to share. Free range chicken here I come!


  1. I almost cried reading about how the geese reacted when their mate was selected for slaughter. Sometimes I hate being a carnivore.

  2. But bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good...

  3. Mark's second cousin is somewhat famous for inventing a more humane way to slaughter cattle...she was inspired by her own experiences with autism:
