Monday, May 5, 2008

David (Not Red Bull) Gives Me Wings

Dear friends and loyal readers. [NOTE: I have no readers so I type this with a great deal of sarcasm in my font], I have been remiss. I have failed you. And, for this I'm incredibly sorry. When I embarked on my little blog mission, I said that I would write about 'My Best' things, people, places, experiences, etc. While I have dabbled in this adventure, I really haven't given it my all. You see, I've been a little busy lately. Wedding planning takes a lot out of a person. It sorta became my part-time job. Well, all of that is behind me. The wedding happened. It was lovely. All that I imagined and planned it would be.

And this, dear friends, brings me to my original point. There is absolutely no way I could continue bloggin about my BESTS if I didn't give a huge shout out to my wonderful, beloved, absolutely fantastic, uber smart and cute David. My new hubby, my soulmate, my love. I really didn't imagine that I would find such a man to spend my life with. He makes me incredibly happy. He is supportive and caring and has opened my eyes to new ideas, deeper thoughts, harder questions, living in the present, eliminating fears, embracing dreams and exploring the possibilities. For this, and so much more, I love him.

When we were fast approaching our wedding day, I asked David if he felt any twinge of worry, any inkling of doubt. I wanted him to be completely sure. My fear spilled over into my questions and I conveyed my own concern that someday -- maybe sooner, maybe later -- he would off-handedly refer to me as "the ball and chain." When I told him this, he laughed. And in only the way that David can express it, he said "nah, baby. You aren't my ball and chain. You are my wings. You lift me up." Guess what, David? You are my wings too. Always and forever my love. Always and forever. I love you.


  1. SOB you made me tear up. What a lovely post and BEAUTIFUL pictures of the two of you! What luck and happiness that you two found each other. He's so sweet, and you're Sweets, so it's perfect. HUGS to you both.

  2. Ok, this was a supremely wonderful post. It made me cry. (Gosh I hope that I don't think of "the wind beneath my wings" everytime I see David....) You two are too cute.
