Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Biggest Loser

I admit that I've been addicted to The Biggest Loser Couples television show. The season finale was tonight and I'm watching it on my Tivo while I'm typing this post. Not sure who is going to win the $250,000 prize for losing the most weight, but I'm really hoping it is Alli. There has never been a female biggest loser and I think the time has come.

There are a number of so-called reality shows that I enjoy watching. What I think helps to set The Biggest Loser apart from the pack is it actually encourages and helps motivate healthy lifestyles and reinforces good behavior (i.e. positive body image, nutritious eating and physical activity). I love seeing the transformations of the contestants as they battle their own food demons and sedentary habits. It is quite inspirational. I wish I could have Bob or Jillian train me but I'm not sure if I could handle it. They are some tough mothers to be sure. Instead, I have Meghan, my own personal version of Bob and Jillian. She's good and only slightly mean.

Train on my friends. Train on.

1 comment:

  1. I like the show, too. Very inspirational. I didn't watch this season, though.

    As for trainers, I'll take Bob. He rocks.
