Friday, June 11, 2010

Should I Get A Brazilian?

I'm not talking about hiring a South American pool boy for the summer. Sorry.

This one goes out to the ladies . . . have you heard of the latest hair craze, the Brazilian Blowout? This technique is not to be confused with a Brazilian bikini wax. That is a whole other hair situation. I'm talking about the hair on the top of the head.

Brazilian Blowout

I first encountered the Blowout when I met a friend of mine for dinner a few weeks ago. Her hair looked amazing -- shiny, smooth and very healthy. When I complimented her on her lovely locks, she immediately told me about this treatment she had done a few weeks earlier. Apparently, the Blowout is all the rage. A chemical free, protein process that coats the follicle and removes frizz. I did some research and spoke to a few stylists to hear more about it. What I've heard has me intrigued. From all reports, the treatment works well and lasts for several months. Now, I have naturally curly hair that is prone to wild frizzy badness from time to time. Many annoying minutes are spent each day trying to tame the rat's nest I call my hair. I long for mornings where I don't have to spend time brushing and blow drying my hair straight or taking a hot flat iron to it just to get rid of all the fly-aways. Ugh.

Although it is a little on the spendy side, I think I might have to give the Brazilian Blowout a whirl. Whadd 'ya think? If it's good enough for Nicole Richie, it's good enough for me.


  1. I say TRY IT! It can't hurt and I'm all for experimenting with the hair. Seriously at first I thought this blog post was a XXX post. Yikes! LOL

  2. The title of your post was WAY too deceptive. I was we are talkin' good readin'.....sheesh.
