Monday, October 6, 2008

My STAYcation

I will preface my post by saying that I am somebody who finds myself annoyed by people claiming to be super busy all the time. Everyone is tragically busy. I get it. It bugs! Here is just an example of what I'm talking about:

"Hey Sally (p.s. I don't really know a Sally), long time no see. How are you doing?"

Sally's response punctuated with eye rolling and deep sighs of exasperation, "Oh well, I just can't keep up. You know? Things are just CRAZY at work and with the kids and keeping the house clean and the laundry and then Fido needs to get his teeth cleaned and his coat groomed and then there's that family reunion and you know my aunt is going to make me plan the whole thing. I am just SO BUSY!"

My response -- notably with less enthusiasm and glee -- "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We should really get together sometime and catch up. I miss hanging out with you."

"That would be great. But, I just really have no idea when I could schedule something. There is just too much going on. How about we block some time in 2009 and play it by ear?"

"Sure. Sounds fantastic. I'll give you a call sometime after the New Year." Yeah right.

Yeah, yeah. We are all busy, right? I mean, isn't all relative to your particular point of reference? But, seriously folks. We all need to lay off the verbal diarrhea about our insanely busy lives. Enough is enough. I've had it. I say this with total love and compassion for those bogged down professionals and the over-stressed moms out there, cuz lord knows I don't know how you all do it. And, I'm not offering up this up as smug criticism or somehow trying to compete and say that no one can possibly be as busy as me. Not the case and not true. What I am offering is a social commentary around "busy" as a topic of casual conversation. People, this subject is officially played out. It's SO 1990's. I firmly believe "being busy" is today's catch all discussion starter (and ender) on par with "how's the weather?" It has lost all meaning and distinction given the fact that 9 out of 10 people are too damn busy give a damn.

OK, that was the preamble. Now on to the full amble:

I've decided to stop with all the busy-ness. No more running 100 miles an hour, spinning my wheels just to take two steps forward and then three steps back. The rat race has got me down my friends. Yes, I'm writing in ambiguous metaphors, but this seems very appropriate as my life lately could be viewed as a metaphor of the non-stop, go, go, go times we all live in. Today, I have decided to call a cease fire on the battlefield if only for a brief moment. I'm hitting the 'pause' button on the fast forward button of life and changing the frequency from commercial free, heart thumping, adrenaline rushing thrash rock to a calmer, more soothing station -- this week, I'm tuning into the easy listening and acoustic channels. Yep, still using the metaphors . . .

OK, all vague references aside, I needed some down time. Luckily about 2 months ago I blocked a week on my work calendar as I had the forethought to realize I might need to recharge and reconnect. I am taking, what the popular media has coined, a Staycation. A Staycation is a form of vacation, but instead of vacating for warmer climes or new adventures, one stays put. I am going nowhere fast and I am really enjoying myself. After only one full day of my first ever Staycation, I've made it to the gym, paid all my bills, made a dental appointment, did some grocery shopping, lounged about and did some pleasure reading and prepared a delicious homecooked meal which included . . . drumroll . . . fresh baked bread! Watch out Martha Stewart. I'm comin to getchya. I'm not exactly sure what tomorrow has in store for me which is precisely the point. Sure, I have some loose plans like maybe a manicure and pedicure, but no real deadlines or pressing concerns.

I could get used to this.


  1. One of us needs to win the lottery so that I can have a Staycation with you. Where do I sign? How super jealous am I that you got so much done yesterday? Super.

  2. sorry...i'm a friend of dee's and even her comments are kick ass, funny!! :) Loved your Staycation idea, though and do agree that all people who say they're so busy, BITE!!! Get over themselves...really.
