Monday, August 1, 2011

My Bestest beyond all the Restest.

This is ghost/visiting writing Dee coming at you from the interwebs.....I know, I haven't written in a long, long while.

Ok, so this blog is supposed to be about "MY BESTS" and the truth is, I haven't even written about one of my BESTESTS BESTS!

My sister and I, like most siblings, have had our ups and downs. We have fought, made up, fought again, had differences of opinion, and had so many belly laughs along the way that it would be impossible to count them all...even if you had an abacus. It is hard to be a sister. I have surmised that it is probably the most complicated relationship in my life. We can be hard on eachother at times...but....there is so much love there. I don't think there is anyone in my family who has supported me more throughout my life than my sister has. She is the only one who has been with me through it all.

I was very sad to see her leave Minnesota. I don't think I told her that, but I should have. I should have sat her down and said that I didn't appreciate her enough when she was in close proximity to me. I should have told her that I wanted more laughs that make us pull over to the side of the road because we can't drive through the tears. I should have told her that the little things about her, like her nods of understanding during a long talk over a cup of coffee, mean the most to me. I guess I just always thought that she would be here ready to hang out whenever we could find a chance. Now that I have to hop a flight to see her and she is farther away from me....well, I get all welled up just thinking about what I haven't said to her.

Even though I will miss her, I am SO EXCITED for her next great adventure. She is doing what I want to do. She is doing what most people want to do in this life. She is throwing out her net into uncharted seas so she can discover what is there. She is taking a plunge (and she isn't even plugging her nose!) into the deep, looking for more. It is wonderful. It is brave. I am so very proud of her. I want her to find meaning and joy and adventure in this new life. I want everything for her that you can want for someone that you love so very much.

I want everything for her. EV-VER-EEEE-THING.

I am booking my ticket, Sweet Friend, for a long talk and a cup of coffee. I can't wait to see you again!


  1. Ah Neece. Your stinkin post made me cry. You are uber naughty for typing such nice things, but thank you. Even though I am farther away, we will still have many times together for laughs and much, much more! Love ya!

  2. This was a sweet post. I have the same relationship with my brother. he's my bestie. I lived far apart from him since HS but now we live 40 minutes from each other. It's great. Here's to many visitors in Seattle. :-)
