Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Call Me Crazy Stage Mom

It's official. I've fallen in love. I'm declaring it to the world today. This is not just some passing fancy or silly crush. Nope. I'm head over heels and seriously obsessed. My husband knows about it too. He's not upset. He understands. These things happen. The fact that I have found this love does not diminish the adoration I have for my dear husband, no not in the least. What can I say? I love my dog! He's just THE best little puppy . . . so cute, so cuddly, so devilishly smart and, of course, extremely naughty.

Last weekend, found us hanging by a local lake with one of our Besties, J-Hawk. Chilling on the shore, people watching and kickin it provided ample photo opportunities. J-Hawk has this sweet camera and amazing eye so she got to snapping. Ahhhhh, little Ozymandias, how adorable, right?

I'm going to investigate puppy modeling agencies cuz this guy needs to be in magazines, on billboards, gracing the front of various dog food packages, perhaps on the cover of Dog Fancy magazine . . . seriously. He's gonna be a star. I hope I don't become like one of those whack job stage mothers who pimp out their children and get all Joan Crawford "no more wire hangers" on them. That would be bad. I just want to see my boy realize his dream of super fame, riches and what not.

OK, that reminds me. Did anyone seen the movie Bruno this summer? If you did, you can appreciate the comment about Stage Mothers. There is a particular scene where Bruno is casting for little children to take part in this offensive commercial. As he explains the premise of the video to the would-be child stars' moms and dads, the plot gets stranger and stranger. He asks things like "so, your child would be dressed up as a Nazi and torturing another child with a sword while flames are surrounding him. Would that be ok.?" All the parents are like "oh, sure. That is fine." WHAT?!? Although Bruno (aka Sasha Baron Cohen) may not be everyone's cup of tea, he sure does know how to put a spotlight on some of our society's more insane habits and practices. Love it.

But I digress. Anyone know the name of a good agent so I can get my dog into some Hollywood movies?

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