Thursday, May 14, 2009

Summer Tunes

I drove home from work tonight with my windows down and sun roof open. A chill in the air and a brisk wind whippin did not stop me from enjoying the sunshine and promise of summer. I cranked the radio as I sped along the highway and realized my playlists are tired and worn out. They need to be rejuvenated and refreshed. I'm talking about a little mix of chilled out sweet escape & tranquility spiced up with a dash of dance frenzy and wicked 100+ degree beat blasting ear assaulting business. I consulted the online oracles. Prompt downloading and Itunes purchasing ensued.

This stuff will rock you fer schure!! Not in any particular order . . .

Single Ladies - Beyonce

I See You Baby - Groove Armada
Superstylin - Groove Armada
** You might as well get the whole damn album, The Best of: Groove Armada, and save yourself the trouble **

Out of Space - The Prodigy

House of Jealous Lovers - The Rapture

Tainted Love - Soft Cell

One More Time - Daft Punk

Poker Face - Lady GaGa

Paper Planes - M.I.A.

Electric Feel - MGMT

Business Time - Flight of the Conchords
Hurt Feelings - Flight of the Conchords

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rites of Spring

Spring is definitely in full swing here in the upper Midwest. And with the advent of any seasonal shift there are rites, rituals and traditions that must be attended to. You don't want to anger the gods of the equinox, right? Ok, I just made that up, but whatev.

First, there is Spring Break. A time honored rite of passage involving debauched antics and general mayhem. Now, I feel I'm a bit too old to partake in the typical Spring Break activities Daytona Beach style. We all have to make sacrifices and mine just happen to be no more wet t-shirt contests (cough). Instead, Mr. Oz and I took a few days and hit the West Coast for some rest and relaxation. Orange County is beautiful in the Spring so we hit the beaches and found a few patches of sun. Actually, we both got a sunburn. Must remember the SPF 50 next time. We celebrated our one year of marital bliss by strolling down the Huntington Beach pier, taking in the surf and sand, shopping, hanging out with some great friends, In & Out Burger, Newport Beach harbor tour, Yogurtland, Disneyland, more strolling, romantic anniversary dinner and then back home again. It was excellent!

The next ritual is Spring Cleaning. Yep. Gotta scour, scrub and sweep the casa until it sparkles and shines. Call me crazy, but I do get a sense of pleasure from a clean house. The problem is the house never quite stays clean. I think 2009 is the year when the Oz's invest in a house cleaner. Anybody have any recommendations?

For me, the next ritual on my list is walking around one of our wonderful 10,000 lakes. This weekend I did just that with my pal Laura. She and I met up early Saturday morning and hit the trail around Lake Calhoun. I had to bring my camera to document some of the Spring awesomeness! The weather was perfect. Sunshine, a slight breeze, the right amount of "crisp" in the air, the fragrant mix of budding trees and new grass filled the air. Renewal, life and new beginnings . . . I love Spring!

The tree in front of our house is budding out with these gorgeous pinkish, purple flowers. I think it is a flowering crab tree, but I'm not sure. I'm not a horticulturalist in real life but I do play one on television. Check it out:

Makes me wonder why we save our resolutions for the New Year. Why don't we make resolutions in the Spring when newness abounds and nature is getting off to a fresh start? Wouldn't that make more sense than making promises in the cold, dead of winter? I'm just sayin.

Speaking of new birth. Here is an updated picture of Ozy. The little guy is 4 weeks old. Only 3 more weeks and he'll be coming home.