Sunday, December 18, 2011

Soul Pancake

Web site I enjoy these days:

From the Twitter description, Soul Pancake is a place to speak your mind, unload your questions, and figure out what it means to be human.  Divided into three parts, a would-be surfer can 1) ask and discuss various philosophical questions, 2) partake in some activities like snapping a photo of your feet standing still or write about the first time you head mind blowing music or 3) dive into perspectives by some interesting people.  

Refreshing.  Fun.  A great way to take your mind off of the mundane banality of everyday responsibilities and annoying stresses.   I mean we all need a little soul pancake once in awhile, right?  I prefer mine with real maple syrup and not that artificial HFCS crap.  Just saying.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life in a Day

We measure our days in 24 hour increments.  A day can pass in an instant or drag on for, what feels like, forever.  We wake up, go about our tasks, work, move through the mundane and the exceptional with equal awareness or lack thereof.  In between, there are amusements and distractions.  If lucky, there are also moments of transcendent joy . . . time spent learning, growing, connecting with the world and those around us.  Then we sleep and it starts all over again.  In the grand scheme, a day is a blip.  You blink and time has moved on.  

But what is really in a day?  What if we could take one day, one random day, and document it from the vantage point of hundreds of people around the world?  What would we see?  

This is exactly what you will find in the documentary Life in a Day.  Incredibly rich and engaging, the film reveals the universal moments for all of humanity -- morning ritual of waking up and getting ready for the day, the tasks of acquiring food, going to work, etc.  Then there are births, deaths, accidents and surprises.  Video taken by so many was woven together to tell a story of us and who we are.  The story of a single day on this planet reveals how much we share while also illustrating our interesting differences.  From the very first scenes, I was pulled in.  For those who make a habit of studying society, culture and human behavior, Life in a Day provides enough thought starters to keep you busy for awhile.  Check it out and let me know what you think of it.